National Incident Alerts
Version .97 11/6/12 Alert Plug-In rewritten to use less bandwidth when refreshing. Admin user list can be expanded by clicking the email header. This displays 2 more columns, "Pager" & "Twitter" This is good for finding a user that has their addresses wrong and causing bounce-backs. Whos Online Plug-in re-written to use less bandwidth. rightcolumn class added to make right column blocks size correctly.. HTML5 Field validation used in the Incident entry screens. Version .98 Fixed the Trainee alerts displaying in Grey on the Alerts Module. New Chat Module Dupe Alert Button added to the New Incident page. Version .99 Enhanced security. Private Chat Chat log Member screen broken down in New, Trainee, Dispatch, and Admin pages. Version 1.0 User resizable modules. Re-designed setup page. Admin can center and zoom the map to their local dispatch area. List and Chat colors and be defined. Queue incidents and release on confirmation. You can receive alerts by city, state and zipcode. Chat Private messages. Chat logs Version 1.01 Fixed bug in Top 10 Dispatch count plugin. Version 1.02 Added a 3rd alert format. Added Subject Line and New member selection to mass emailer. Alert Box was not refreshing in Safari 6 Alert Box matches alert format set in the setup page. Fix Bitly was not working on cities with a space like New York, Los Angeles, etc. Maps available by incident category. Scanner built-in to the Mobile Dispatch screen Fixed the logo field in the setup. You can define any source for your logo. Version 1.03 New account email & username validation, duplicates are no longer allowed. New Users IP is logged in the User Notes Field. Click on IP to add to Ban List. You can add external content via iframes, give the iframe an id of "center_plg" to have it size correctly. See Help on proper syntax. Made changes to the Mail server to get around the yahoo.com and txt.att.net delayed alerts problem. Version 1.04 Added SD to the list of states. Fixed the Admin Edit Incident page. (Did not save changes) Fixed the Logout Function. Fixed the IP Ban Function Version 1.05 Fixed Delete User SQL error bug. Online Scanner works from New Incident Screen. (Win 7+, Android 4.2+) Import RSS feed to your favorite reader, rss.php is the file to point to. Admin email notice of a new member contains Real Name, User Name, Email Address, and request to dispatch. Version 1.06 Fixed plugin box size cookie issue. Admin defined Trainee Alert background color New Dispatch Statistics Report Index the Alert Queue for faster listings. Review Dispatcher Alerts from Statistics Report Added Captcha to New Member sign ups. (Eliminate Spam) Registration security fix. (No more blank registrations) TweetyMail now supported. Custom pages now scroll in the center window. Condensed the Admin, custom page list. Added Icons for Snow & Hurricanes Fixed links in Alert Box Domain link appended to email alerts on non-private systems. Version 1.07 Removed links from email to Facebook because of Facebook POL-6 policy Added Medevac, Medical and Rescue Icon Categories. Added Super Admin access. Regular Admin only have access to incidents, not the full system. New Mobile Menu, added Admin features. (Mike McCoy) Fixed the Admin Email to include Super Admins Added some styles to the setup page (Mike McCoy) Added a mobile member registration. Version 1.08 Updated Logon Screen, easier on mobile devices Added the ability to add new items to the Admin menu. Version 1.09 Two new themes, thanks Mike McCoy Some internal structure changes The Member Registration page has been updated. For Private systems, you can now embed the register-new.php page into an IFRAME on your main website. Added Member Since, and Last Logon field to the User Table Version 1.10 Bug fix in the Alert Plug-in You can now embed URL's in Email & Twitter Alerts Fixed a bug in the Mobile Registration page. New Map with Weather Overlay Fixed a bug in the Edit Incident Screen, Trainees could release alerts. RSS feed can now be filtered by Icon Type, example (rss.php?cat=fire) Super Admins can now re-send "New Member" email validation request from the User List. Added YTD dispatch totals the the Admin Report Version 1.11 Added another Alert format. Changed Registration Screen so members enter their cell number and cell carrier. This is to eliminate the text carrier gateway confusion, Version 1.12 Tweaked the mobile menu to make it more finger friendly. Added last years totals to the overview report. Version 1.13 Fixed the Setup Switch Style, from interfering with the page editor styles. Added new email field in the Setup screen to define where Trainee Alert notifications go. Cut & Paste into new Alerts only available to Admins and Super Admins. This is to discourage pasting from Twitter. New Alert format added. Added a Switch to disallow Guest chat. Version 1.14 Added security Fixed a bug with the "Create New Account" link on private systems. Members can not setup Twitter feed,. Members need a Super Admin to do it for them. This will cut down on misconfigurated accounts. Version 1.15 Changed the way social media alerts a handeled Bug fix to RSS feed. Version 1.16 Access you the scanner list, allows you to add or delete scanners shown in the "New Incident" page. New User setup page, lets you check what users are not setup correctly. New layout in "Alert Logs" New "Failed Alert" report. New, delete alert log function from "Alert Log" page. Version 1.16.4 Moved send function to a stand alone script. The Alert Log is now the Send queue. Version 1.2 Send queue is self trimming and set to seven days. Added a Admin feature to add new members with a popup window. Updated appearance of Dupe Check Popup Private IP address is available to help address deferred alerts. Version 1.2.2 Fixed the New Incident Country Select Function. Fixed the Dupe Check Dialog from submitting Alert. Version 1.3 Added SOP to the Incident Type. Added Canadian Mobile carrier gateways to the registration screen. Version 1.4 Made it easier to block and un-block IP addresses from the user list. New System Setup interface PHP 5.5+ compatable Included automated weather alerts from NOAA New Clock Plug-in. New Server Load Plug-in. Version 2.0 Upgraded Code for PHP 7 Engine. New Online Scanner Plug-in. New Radio List for Scanner. System does not send alerts to or from invalid email addressses. Staus is noted in Send Log. New NOAA Weather Alerts. Redesigned Setup Screen Add Users from drop down menu. Version 2.2 Fixed Alert Plugin Logo Upload + resize Changed to a Same Update/Edit Incident code for both dispatchers and Admins Added Lauguage File Add Nic Map zoom from 15 to 19 on Alert Zoom Cleaned up the Map Menu Item Added a notes field to the incident table Added a lang.php file to customize lables Redid Chr count for sms only Fixed Case matching in Incident Type Added Send Alert from Search Results Fixed Mobile Layout to work with SSL Remove Mobile Registration Changed Dupe Check to include Zipcode Added Priority Memebers Version 2.5.9 Added The ability to choose either OpenMap or GoogleMap Added a Zone field to the Dispatch Screen Added a pre-definded alert format for the TTS Device, the format is triggered for any receipiant the the word "alerts" in the social media "to" email address. Fixed some path issues with the cron scripts
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